Studio 3
Topsheet of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski on a grey background.
Martin Bender hiking up a mountain face with the Faction Studio 3 skis attached to his backpack.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Bases of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski on a grey background.

Studio 3


SFr. 639.00

SFr. 799.00

  • Handgefertigt in Österreich
  • 2 Jahre Garantie
  • Kostenloser Versand ab CHF500
Topsheet of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski on a grey background.
Martin Bender hiking up a mountain face with the Faction Studio 3 skis attached to his backpack.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Close-up of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski.
Bases of Faction Studio 3, purple and blue freeride ski on a grey background.

Ski Persönlichkeit


All Mountain
park & pipe


Fortgeschritten and Experte


7 7 out of 10


8 out of 10


9 out of 10


9 out of 10

Produkt Eigenschaften

Ski Form

Studio progressive twin

Das leicht schmalere Skiende und die breitere Skispitze sorgen für eine bessere Abfahrtsleistung im Vergleich zu einem symmetrischen Twin. Die Höhe von Ski Tip & Tail ist identisch, um optimales Switch-Fahren zu ermöglichen. Der großzügige Rocker und der moderate Camber verleihen dem Ski einen sehr verspielten Charakter, während der angepasste Taper und elliptische Sidecut präzises Handling und Carving ermöglichen.

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